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NEW: Royal Blush


A spray rose new in our range! That's really new! We have had spray roses in our trials for years, but we have never been tempted before... This beautiful Royal Blush is the first spray that we grow on a large scale and will also be sold at the auction. We absolutely love it! A beautiful soft pink screen, sturdy branches, a garden rose flower shape, good vase life, beautiful lengths. We are completely enthusiastic. And what do you think? Will this beauty also be in your vase or bouquet? Royal Blush is grown at Paul van der Hulst Rozenkwekerij bv. They are sold via the Rhein-Maas auction in Germany.


Questions or you want more information?
Call us: +31 (0)77 4642097 or visit our shop: Hazenkampweg 25 in Meterik.
